Auctions for WooCommerce 3.2 Changelogs

The latest update for Auctions for WooCommerce, labeled version 3.2 and released on July 9, 2024, brings a few crucial fixes that improve the plugin’s performance and user experience. First, it addresses a warning message that was being triggered by a bug in the auctions_for_woocommerce_outbid hook, ensuring smoother operation. Secondly, it corrects the behavior of template shortcodes so that they return content properly rather than displaying it immediately, which helps with better integration and customization in web pages. Lastly, the update adjusts the database version, resetting it to 3.0, likely to resolve compatibility issues or bugs related to the database structure. These fixes collectively ensure that the plugin operates more reliably and integrates more seamlessly into your WooCommerce setup.

Latest Update Details

Version 3.2
Release Date 2024-07-09


  • Fix: warning triggered by auctions_for_woocommerce_outbid hook bug
  • Fix: template shortcode return instead of echo content
  • Fix: db version set to 3.0

Download Auctions for WooCommerce 3.2