AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Add-on 2.8.0 Changelogs

The latest update for the AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Add-on, version 2.8.0, includes a few important changes. One of the major updates is the removal of the WooCommerce Navigation integration, which means that this add-on will no longer work with that specific feature of WooCommerce. Additionally, the developers made some technical improvements by applying a coding standard to the admin file, which helps keep the code neat and organized.

Another adjustment is the relocation of a script essential for the add-on, moving it to the footer of the webpage. This change can help improve the loading speed of the admin area. Finally, this update ensures that the add-on is compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 9.3.0, making it easier for users to have a smooth experience with the newest features.

Latest Update Details

Version 2.8.0
Release Date 2024-09-05


  • Break – Remove WooCommerce Navigation integration.
  • Dev – Apply PHPCS to admin.php.
  • Tweak – Move `automatewoo-referrals-admin` script to the footer.
  • Tweak – WC 9.3.0 compatibility.

Download AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Add-on 2.8.0