Product Filters for WooCommerce 1.4.31 Changelogs

The latest update to Product Filters for WooCommerce, version 1.4.31, brings a couple of important tweaks to ensure everything runs smoothly. The update focuses on making the plugin compatible with the newest versions of key software. First, it now works well with WooCommerce version 9.1, making sure all your product filtering features operate seamlessly with the online store platform. Second, it also ensures compatibility with WordPress version 6.6, so you won’t run into any issues when both updates are in use. These tweaks help keep your online store functioning properly and efficiently without any hitches.

Latest Update Details

Version 1.4.31
Release Date 2024-07-09


  • Tweak – WC 9.1 compatibility.
  • Tweak – WP 6.6 compatibility.

Download Product Filters for WooCommerce 1.4.31