WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment 4.2.3 Changelogs

On July 2, 2024, WooCommerce rolled out version 4.2.3 of its Amazon Fulfillment plugin, which brought a few noteworthy improvements and fixes. One major update is the introduction of a new feature called “ns_mcf_order_tracking_number action.” This new feature allows users to easily fetch shipping tracking information, making it simpler to keep tabs on package deliveries.

In addition to this, the update resolved an issue where shipping tracking numbers were being updated multiple times, which could have caused confusion. Lastly, the team decided to stop writing to the inventory log during synchronization. This change helps reduce the size of the files generated, making them easier to manage and store.

Latest Update Details

Version 4.2.3
Release Date 2024-07-02


  • Introduce ns_mcf_order_tracking_number action that can be used to get the shipping tracking info
  • Fix duplicate shipping tracking number updates
  • Remove writting to inventory log on sync. Thi helps reduce file sizes generated.

Download WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment 4.2.3