WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment 4.2.5 Changelogs

In the latest update of WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment, version 4.2.5, there are a few important improvements. First, the system has been updated to prevent orders that have already been completed or processed from being sent to Amazon again, which helps keep everything organized and avoids confusion. Additionally, the tracking links have been fixed to ensure they correctly match the regions, making it easier for users to track their shipments accurately. Lastly, the handling of notices has been improved, meaning that alerts and messages within the system are now clearer and more user-friendly. These changes aim to enhance the overall experience of using the WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment plugin.

Latest Update Details

Version 4.2.5
Release Date 2024-09-16


  • Prevent completed and already processed orders from resubmitting to Amazon
  • Fix Tracking links to match region
  • Better notice handling

Download WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment 4.2.5