WooCommerce Anti Fraud 5.9.2 Changelogs

The recent update to WooCommerce Anti Fraud, version 5.9.2, brings a couple of important improvements. First, it now has a feature that checks orders only once, enhancing efficiency and reducing the chances of duplication. This means that you won’t have to worry about the same order being checked multiple times, streamlining the order processing experience.

In addition to this new feature, some updates were made to the dashboard page as well. These updates aim to improve usability, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their orders efficiently. Overall, this update focuses on simplifying the order verification process and enhancing the user experience on the dashboard.

Latest Update Details

Version 5.9.2
Release Date 2024-09-13


  • Add: PLUGINS-1358 – Check orders once only.
  • Fix: PLUGINS-2085 – Updates for the dashboard page.

Download WooCommerce Anti Fraud 5.9.2