WooCommerce Bookings 2.1.6 Changelogs

In the latest update for WooCommerce Bookings (version 2.1.6), several important changes and fixes have been made. One of the highlights is a new filter that allows developers to bypass a security check known as the nonce check, which can help in specific situations. There have also been fixes to ensure that when users change the number of guests, the cost updates correctly. Additionally, issues with recurring Google events not blocking the end times for certain booking types have been resolved.

On the development side, the update improves compatibility with WooCommerce by testing it up to version 9.2 and increasing the minimum supported version to 9.0. This means that the plugin will now work better with the latest features in WooCommerce. There were also adjustments made to the End-to-End (E2E) tests to keep everything running smoothly after these changes. Overall, this update ensures a better user experience and improved functionality for WooCommerce Bookings.

Latest Update Details

Version 2.1.6
Release Date 2024-08-19


  • Add – Filter, `disable_find_booked_day_blocks_nonce_check`, to handle bypassing nonce check.
  • Fix – Cost does not recalculate when changing the number of persons.
  • Fix – Ensure recurring Google events correctly block the end times for the “Customer Defined Blocks”.
  • Fix – Resolve PHPCompatibility errors reported by WooCommerce’s Quality Insights Toolkit test.
  • Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.2.
  • Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.0.
  • Dev – Fix QIT E2E tests and add support for a few new test types.
  • Dev – Update E2E tests to accommodate the changes in WooCommerce 9.2.

Download WooCommerce Bookings 2.1.6