WooCommerce Box Office 1.2.7 Changelogs

In the latest update of WooCommerce Box Office, version 1.2.7, there are a couple of important changes that users should know about. One of the key additions is a new column in the ticket export CSV that shows whether attendees have chosen to opt out of public listing. This feature will help event organizers keep track of attendees’ privacy preferences more easily.

On the technical side, this update includes improvements to support newer versions of WooCommerce. It bumps up the tested version to 9.2 and sets the minimum supported version to 9.0, ensuring that Box Office works smoothly with the latest WooCommerce features. Additionally, developers have fixed and improved the End-to-End testing process to align with the updates in WooCommerce, making everything run more reliably.

Latest Update Details

Version 1.2.7
Release Date 2024-08-19


  • Add – The “Opted-out of public listing” column to the ticket export CSV.
  • Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.2.
  • Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.0.
  • Dev – Fix QIT E2E tests and add support for a few new test types.
  • Dev – Update E2E tests to accommodate the changes in WooCommerce 9.2.

Download WooCommerce Box Office 1.2.7