WooCommerce Buy Again 4.7.0 Changelogs

The WooCommerce Buy Again plugin has been updated to version 4.7.0, bringing some helpful improvements. Firstly, the way products are shown on the “Buy Again” table has been enhanced, making it easier for customers to find what they want to reorder. Additionally, there’s a smoother process for changing the quantity of items when using the “Buy Again” feature on the Orders Page, allowing for a more seamless shopping experience.

This update also ensures compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress (6.6.2) and WooCommerce (9.2.3), meaning running the plugin with these popular platforms should work without issues. Overall, these tweaks aim to make the buying experience simpler and more efficient for users.

Latest Update Details

Version 4.7.0
Release Date 2024-09-16


  • Tweak – Improvements made in displaying Products on Buy Again Table
  • Tweak – Improvement made in update the quantity when using Buy Again on Orders Page
  • Tweak – Tested with WordPress v6.6.2 & WooCommerce v9.2.3

Download WooCommerce Buy Again 4.7.0