WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Method 3.0.1 Changelogs

In the latest update of the WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Method, version 3.0.1, released on August 22, 2024, a significant issue has been resolved. Users encountered a critical error that caused the plugin to malfunction, specifically a “fatal error” related to a problem with the code that checks for certain properties. This kind of error can prevent the shipping method from working properly, which is a big deal for online store owners relying on it to process shipments.

With this update, the developers have fixed this issue, ensuring that everything runs smoothly again. This means that shop owners using the Canada Post Shipping Method can continue to provide shipping options to their customers without worries of technical glitches affecting their operations. The update is essential for maintaining a seamless shopping experience on their websites.

Latest Update Details

Version 3.0.1
Release Date 2024-08-22


  • Fix – Fatal error: `Uncaught TypeError: property_exists()`.

Download WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Method 3.0.1