WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping 1.5.0 Changelogs

In the latest update for WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping, version 1.5.0, released on July 2, 2024, there are two main changes to note. First, a new logging feature has been added. This means the plugin can now keep records of various activities and events, which can help users track what’s happening and troubleshoot any issues more easily. Secondly, the plugin has been tweaked to ensure it works smoothly with WordPress 6.6, the latest version of the platform. These improvements aim to enhance the overall functionality and reliability of the shipping tool for online store owners.

Latest Update Details

Version 1.5.0
Release Date 2024-07-02


  • Add – Log feature.
  • Tweak – WordPress 6.6 Compatibility.

Download WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping 1.5.0