WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing 3.2.10 Changelogs

The latest update for WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, version 3.2.10, brings some important improvements and fixes. First off, this version ensures that the plugin works smoothly with the latest versions of WooCommerce (WC) and WordPress (WP), so users can expect a more seamless experience. Additionally, a serious issue that caused a fatal error during coupon checks in the Quick Order Integration Tool (QIT) has been resolved, meaning that using coupons should now function properly without crashing.

Furthermore, this update addresses several incorrect alerts related to security issues with “esc,” which stands for escaping output in programming. By fixing these alerts, the plugin should run more reliably and efficiently, making it easier for users to manage their pricing and promotions without worrying about unnecessary errors. Overall, these changes aim to enhance stability and user experience, especially for those relying on the QIT feature.

Latest Update Details

Version 3.2.10
Release Date 2024.08.07


  • Update: WC and WP Compatibility updates.
  • QIT: Fix issue with the coupon check causing a fatal error in the QIT.
  • QIT: Fix a lot of incorrectly flagged esc problems.

Download WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing 3.2.10