WooCommerce EU VAT Number 2.9.5 Changelogs

The latest update for WooCommerce EU VAT Number, version 2.9.5, brings several important changes aimed at improving its performance and functionality. Firstly, the developers have updated the plugin to be compatible with newer versions of both WooCommerce and WordPress, ensuring it works smoothly with WooCommerce version 9.0 and WordPress version 6.6. They’ve also set a minimum requirement for WooCommerce version 8.8 and WordPress version 6.4, which means users need to have at least these versions for the plugin to function properly.

Additionally, this update includes several fixes that enhance user experience. For instance, it resolves a problem where the shopping cart would empty if an invalid VAT number was removed, and it corrects an issue where the VAT number field appeared empty even when data was stored. Lastly, a fix has been implemented for an undefined JavaScript variable error, helping to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Overall, these updates make the plugin more reliable and user-friendly.

Latest Update Details

Version 2.9.5
Release Date 2024-07-15


  • Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.0.
  • Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.8.
  • Dev – Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.6.
  • Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.4.
  • Dev – Update NPM packages and node version to v20 to modernize developer experience.
  • Fix – Issue with cart being emptied when invalid VAT is removed.
  • Fix – Issue with empty VAT field when the VAT number is stored under My Account > VAT Number.
  • Fix – Undefined javascript variable error.

Download WooCommerce EU VAT Number 2.9.5