WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons 3.7.1 Changelogs

The latest update for WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons, version 3.7.1, brings some important fixes to improve the user experience. First, the update strengthens the variation form script, which is the part of the system that handles different product options, especially when there’s no specific action defined. This means the feature will run more smoothly and reliably.

Additionally, the update resolves a bug that caused an error message, specifically an “Uncaught TypeError,” when using third-party shopping carts. This fix ensures that the system can now operate correctly with these external cart systems, allowing users to enjoy a more seamless shopping experience without unexpected interruptions. Overall, these changes help make the WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons plugin more stable and user-friendly.

Latest Update Details

Version 3.7.1
Release Date 2024.08.22


  • Fix: Hardening of variation form script when form has no action attribute.
  • Fix: Uncaught TypeError: c.offset() is undefined when in 3rd party carts.

Download WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons 3.7.1