WooCommerce Google Product Feeds 11.0.13 Changelogs

In the latest update, WooCommerce Google Product Feeds version 11.0.13 has made some important improvements to enhance its performance and compatibility. One key change is that it now works smoothly with WooCommerce version 9.3, ensuring users can take advantage of the latest features without any hiccups. Additionally, the team has standardized the way data is encoded across different versions of PHP, making it more reliable.

Another significant update is the way multiple product types are formatted in the product feed, which should help in presenting your products more accurately. Lastly, a fix has been implemented to address an issue where units of measure were getting rounded down to whole numbers. This means you can trust that measurements are presented precisely, providing clearer information for your customers.

Latest Update Details

Version 11.0.13
Release Date 2024.09.09


  • New: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.3
  • Update: Minor internal change to standardise encoding behaviour across PHP versions
  • Update: Change to how multiple product_types are formatted in the feed
  • Fix: Resolve issue where units of measure could be truncated to the nearest integer

Download WooCommerce Google Product Feeds 11.0.13