WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator 3.23.4 Changelogs

The latest update for WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator, version 3.23.4, focuses on fixing some pesky issues and improving a few things. First off, there’s a fix for a problem with the Pricing Table where some measurement values couldn’t be added to the cart, so that should work smoothly now. They also made improvements to how prices are handled when you’re dealing with currencies that aren’t in US dollars, especially for products with different variations. Another fix now allows customers to manually enter decimal lengths even when there’s a specified increment, which is great for precision. Finally, they tweaked the system to ensure that measurement values are saved consistently in the database, regardless of whether the product is simple or has variations.

Latest Update Details

Version 3.23.4
Release Date 2024.07.10


  • Fix – Resolve a Pricing Table issue where certain measurement values were unable to be added to the cart
  • Fix – Improve handling of non-US currency prices, particularly price per unit calculations for variable products
  • Fix – Resolve an issue where customers are unable to manually enter a decimal length when an increment is specified
  • Tweak – Ensure measurement values are saved in the database in the same format for both simple and variable products

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