WooCommerce Mix and Match Products 2.7.7 Changelogs

WooCommerce Mix and Match Products has received an update to version 2.7.7 on August 22, 2024. This new version has been tested to work well with WooCommerce 9.2.0, ensuring that everything runs smoothly together. Additionally, there are a few fixes that improve the overall experience. For example, the thumbnail images will no longer have a link if the website’s theme does not support the lightbox feature, making things cleaner and simpler.

The update also addresses some issues related to how buttons and forms behave in the shopping cart. Now, if you update the shopping cart, the button text will display correctly, especially on mobile devices. Furthermore, when switching between subscription options, the form validation will work more accurately. These changes help make the shopping experience smoother and more user-friendly.

Latest Update Details

Version 2.7.7
Release Date 2024.08.22


  • Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.2.0.
  • Fix: Remove image link from thumbnail if theme does not support wc-product-gallery-lightbox.
  • Fix: Set validation context to cart if $_GET[‘update-container’] is set. Fixes display of button text in mobile footer plugin when editing in cart.
  • Fix: Change form validation context to edit when switching subscriptions.

Download WooCommerce Mix and Match Products 2.7.7