WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees 4.2 Changelogs

On August 31, 2024, the WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees plugin released version 4.2, bringing in some important fixes and updates. One of the main fixes addressed an error that appeared on the checkout page when customers tried to apply very small fee amounts that were set to zero. This prevented users from encountering a confusing message and ensured smoother transactions.

Additionally, the developers made sure that this version works well with the latest versions of WordPress (6.6) and WooCommerce (9.2.3), ensuring full compatibility with these platforms. They also corrected a naming issue with a filter, changing it from “wc_add_fees_wc_calculated_totals_done_check” to “wc_add_fees_wc_fees_calculated_done_check” for better clarity and functionality. Overall, these changes enhance the user experience by fixing bugs and ensuring the plugin works seamlessly with recent software updates.

Latest Update Details

Version 4.2
Release Date 2024.08.31


  • fixed: “Trying to access array offset on value of type null for $fee->gateway_option[WC_Add_Fees::OPT_KEY_OUTPUT]” on checkout page for very small values when fee amount = 0
  • checked compatibility for WP 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.2.3
  • correction below filter “wc_add_fees_wc_fees_calculated_done_check” was “wc_add_fees_wc_calculated_totals_done_check”

Download WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees 4.2