WooCommerce Postcode Address Validation 2.11.3 Changelogs

The recent update to WooCommerce Postcode Address Validation, version 2.11.3, brought several helpful fixes to improve the user experience. One of the key changes addresses some pesky PHP notices that were popping up when customers used PHP version 8.0 or higher. This means that the system runs smoother and more effectively for people using the latest software.

Additionally, the update makes sure that the billing email field remains visible during the checkout process, especially when customers are entering their postcode to look up their address. Another important fix ensures that when UK addresses are automatically filled in, the “County” section is now correctly filled out. These changes aim to streamline the checkout experience and reduce confusion for users, making it easier to complete their purchases.

Latest Update Details

Version 2.11.3
Release Date 2024.08.21


  • Fix – Various PHP notices when using version 8.0+
  • Fix – Ensure billing email field is not hidden on checkout when forcing look-ups via postcode
  • Fix – Ensure “County” is populated when auto filling UK addresses

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