WooCommerce Product Bundles 8.0.3 Changelogs

WooCommerce Product Bundles 8.0.3 brings some helpful updates to improve your shopping experience. One of the key changes is the ability to automatically hide bundles that are out of stock from various places, such as the recommendations section (Upsells), making it easier for customers to find available products.

Additionally, this version fixes a few technical issues. It has repaired a serious error in the plugin’s own background processing feature, which ensures everything runs smoothly without crashing. It also addresses a warning message that some users saw when using the Cart block, making for a more seamless checkout process. Overall, these improvements aim to enhance both the usability and performance of the product bundles.

Latest Update Details

Version 8.0.3
Release Date 2024.09.03


  • New – When ‘Hide out of stock items from the catalog’ is enabled, hide bundles with insufficient stock in Upsells, among other places.
  • Fix – Fixed fatal error in own version of WP_Background_Process.
  • Fix – Resolved deprecation notice in Cart block.

Download WooCommerce Product Bundles 8.0.3