WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro 1.19.2 Changelogs

The WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro 1.19.2 update, released on July 4, 2024, focuses on fixing issues related to newer versions of PHP. Specifically, it addresses warnings that popped up when the plugin was used with PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.1. The first fix deals with “dynamic property” warnings in PHP 8.2 and above, which are messages that indicate the plugin was using a feature that newer PHP versions consider outdated. The second fix tackles warnings about passing “null” values to parameters that are supposed to be strings in PHP 8.1 and above. These tweaks ensure the plugin runs more smoothly and without annoying warning messages on the latest versions of PHP.

Latest Update Details

Version 1.19.2
Release Date 2024.07.04


  • Fix: Address “Creation of dynamic property” deprecation warnings in PHP 8.2+.
  • Fix: Address “Passing null to parameter of type string” deprecation warnings in PHP 8.1+.

Download WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro 1.19.2