WooCommerce Role Based Methods 2.5.2 Changelogs

In the latest update of WooCommerce Role Based Methods, version 2.5.2, a few important fixes have been made to improve the overall performance and reliability of the plugin. One key change addresses a bug related to dynamically defined properties, which means the system can now handle these properties more effectively, preventing any potential issues. Additionally, there’s been a fix in the role comparison logic, ensuring that user roles are evaluated correctly during operations. Finally, the update includes a compatibility test with WooCommerce version 9.1, confirming that the plugin works smoothly with this latest version of WooCommerce. Overall, these updates aim to enhance user experience and ensure smoother operation within the WooCommerce environment.

Latest Update Details

Version 2.5.2
Release Date 2024-08-20


  • Fixed a bug with dynamically defined properties
  • Fixed a bug in role comparison logic
  • Bump tested WC version to 9.1

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