WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.6.0 Changelogs

The latest update to WooCommerce Subscriptions, version 6.6.0, includes several important fixes and enhancements aimed at improving user experience. One significant change addresses a problem where switching subscriptions could accidentally create duplicates, particularly when using the Prepaid for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Additionally, the update ensures that past orders in “checkout-draft” status are not counted when calculating switch orders, streamlining the process and reducing potential confusion.

On the technical side, developers have been given new tools to enhance functionality, such as a new parameter that allows filtering out orders with certain statuses. This version also improves how subscription-related events are processed, making them run more efficiently, and ensures that admin notifications work properly after bulk actions when using High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). Lastly, for synced subscriptions with a longer renewal period, the next billing date will now automatically adjust to reflect a year in advance, making it easier for users to keep track of their subscriptions. Overall, these changes make WooCommerce Subscriptions more reliable and user-friendly.

Latest Update Details

Version 6.6.0
Release Date 2024-08-22


  • Fix: Resolve duplicate subscription creation and PHP warning when switching subscriptions with Prepaid for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin active.
  • Fix: Switch calculations now exclude previous switch orders with a checkout-draft status.
  • Dev: Introduce new parameter to WC_Subscription::get_last_order() to enable filtering out orders with specific statuses.
  • Update: Schedule subscription-related events with a priority of 1 to allow for earlier execution within the Action Scheduler.
  • Fix: Ensure admin notices are displayed after performing bulk actions on subscriptions when HPOS is enabled.
  • Fix: Add a year to the next renewal date billing interval is 12 months or more for a synced subscription.
  • Dev: Added filter to enable overriding the total paid for current switch period.
  • Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 7.4.1.

Download WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.6.0