WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.7.0 Changelogs

The latest update of WooCommerce Subscriptions, version 6.7.0, introduced several important improvements and fixes that enhance the user experience. One notable change is the resolution of two issues that previously made it difficult to see the message saying “Subscription items can no longer be edited” on the Edit Subscription page. This clarity helps users know the status of their subscription items better. Additionally, the update includes checks to prevent serious errors by ensuring certain functions are only called when they are necessary and relevant to the admin context, improving overall system stability.

This version also ensures that subscriptions with an end date in the past cannot be reactivated, which helps maintain proper order management. Another fix addressed errors related to coupon discounts for stores using tax-inclusive pricing, ensuring that calculations are correct for manual or early renewal orders. Lastly, the update made the interface a bit nicer by adding a compatible button style on the Subscription page in the My Account section. Overall, these updates aim to make managing subscriptions smoother and more error-free for users and store owners alike.

Latest Update Details

Version 6.7.0
Release Date 2024-09-13


  • Resolved two issues preventing the correct display of the “Subscription items can no longer be edited.” message on the Edit Subscription page.
  • Checks for the existence of `wc_get_page_screen_id` before calling it on `wcs_get_page_screen_id`, and for the admin context before calling `list_table_primary_column` to prevent fatal errors.
  • Blocks the reactivation of a subscription when the end date is in the past.
  • Ensure a subscription’s modified date is updated when its related order cache is updated on non-HPOS sites.
  • Ensure trial period form data is set before use to prevent fatal errors when the data is missing.
  • Resolved an error with coupon discount calculations for manual or early renewal orders on stores with tax-inclusive pricing.
  • Add the theme-compatible button class to the switch button on the My Account > Subscription page.
  • Removing the unused method `may

Download WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.7.0